Spam Protection: This option helps safeguard your website from unwanted spam comments. When activated, it checks for keywords and accompanying URLs within comments. Comments containing these keywords will be removed to ensure that users are submitting valuable comments.
Automatic Comment Deletion: This option saves you time by automatically removing spam comments on a daily basis. This helps maintain cleanliness and quality in the comment section of your website without the need for manual handling of each comment.
Optimize Fields: This choice allows you to enhance the user experience of comments by removing unnecessary URL links from the comment content. This prevents users from inserting harmful or irrelevant links into their comments.
Phone Field: By adding this field, you allow users to input their phone numbers in comments. This can be useful for contact purposes or verifying user information.
Rating Field: This option enables users to add a rating to a post. It is particularly useful when you want to gather opinions and ratings from the community about the content you share.
Avatar URL: Adding this field lets users provide the URL of their avatar image. This can create personalization and greater interaction within the comment section.
Comment Source: When activated, this option displays the original source of the comment. This can help identify the authenticity and credibility of comments.
Validate Comment Field: This option requires users to fill in necessary information before submitting a comment. This ensures that the comments submitted are genuinely from users.
Comment Button: Adding a “Comment” button in the top-right corner of the comment section enhances functionality and makes it convenient and fast for users to submit comments.
Open AI Configuration
API Key: This is where you provide the API key from Open AI to allow the application to connect and use Open AI’s content generation service.
Maximum Words: This allows you to specify the maximum number of words that each response generated by Open AI can contain. This is useful to control the length of the generated responses.
Creativity: This allows you to adjust the creativity level of Open AI in content generation. Lower values result in cautious and predictable responses, while higher values result in more creative and perse answers.
AI Comment
AI Reply / AI Spin: This feature adds a button labeled “AI Reply” or “AI Spin” to allow users to generate different variations of responses from Open AI.
AI Reply (system): This field lets you provide a template response that you would use when the system requests a response from you. This ensures that your response fits the context.
Maximum Words Reply: This field allows you to define the maximum number of words for each response generated by Open AI. This is useful to control the length of the responses and keep them concise.
Auto Comment by Cron: This feature enables you to automatically post comments on a schedule using Cron jobs.
Rating / Cron Times: This field determines the number of times the system will post comments or execute Cron jobs automatically.
Auto Comment from Guests: This feature uses the IP addresses and User Agents of visitors to enable them to post comments automatically on your website.
Limit Number of Guest Comments: This field lets you set the maximum number of comments each guest can post for each article.
Manual Comment from Google Maps: This feature allows you to display a comment field for users to input comments about specific locations on Google Maps.
Limit Star Ratings: This field lets you set the minimum star rating you want to use for fetching comments from Google Maps.
Limit: This field determines the maximum number of comments fetched in each execution from Google Maps.
Time (days): This field allows you to set the time range within which comments will be posted from Google Maps.
Status: This field allows you to define the status of comments, such as “pending approval,” before they are publicly displayed.
Post Type: This field enables you to choose the type of posts to which the comments will apply, such as regular posts or products.
For Posts: If you want comments to be specific to inpidual posts, you can select this option.
Post ID: This field lets you input the specific IDs of the posts to which you want the comments to apply.
Suggested Link: This field allows AI to generate comments based on the content of the provided link, recommended for inpidual posts.
AI System (system): This field lets you set up questions that a guest or customer might ask about the article. Leaving it blank results in an automated setting.
AI Questions (prompt): This field allows you to define a list of questions that AI Comment will use to generate responses.
Manual Content: This field lets you define a list of potential responses that AI will randomly select from.
Error Comment: This field lets you define a response that AI will provide in case of errors during the comment generation process.
FAQ Schema Field
Post Type: Allows you to select a post type or document type to apply the FAQ Schema template.
Taxonomy: Allows you to choose the taxonomy you want to apply the FAQ Schema to.
Auto Insert FAQ Schema Shortcode: When selected, the FAQ Schema shortcode will be automatically inserted into posts or products. You can also manually insert the shortcode using the provided format.
Title: Allows you to input a title for the FAQ Schema element. For example: “Some questions about.”
Auto Expand Accordion: When selected, the question and answer sections within the FAQ Schema will automatically expand in an accordion format.
Move Comments to Q&A: When selected, you can move comments and convert them into question and answer sections within the FAQ Schema template.
Virtural Image
Post Type Images: Create a new post type named Images. This option allows you to define a new type of content on your website specifically for images.
Jetpack CDN: This option enables you to utilize Jetpack’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) service to optimize the loading speed of images on your website. When you activate this option and have the Jetpack plugin installed, the images on your website will load faster through Jetpack’s CDN service.
Other optimizations
Ping Google: This feature allows you to send a “ping” request to Google from the client-side after the webpage has loaded. The ping request can inform Google about updates or new changes on your website. This action can help Google quickly update new information on your webpage. Limiting it to 1 IP address per day ensures compatibility and prevents excessive requests.
Redirect Feed: When this feature is enabled, the feed of the website will be redirected to the next page. This can be useful if you want to direct users to the next content or related pages after they have finished reading the feed.
Cache Feed: This feature enables you to set a cache storage time for the feed on the website. The default time is 900 seconds (15 minutes), meaning that the data in the feed will be stored in the cache memory during this time period before being updated again. This helps improve the loading speed of the page and reduces server load when users access the feed multiple times.
Auto Republish Posts (Cron): When selecting this feature, the website will automatically republish old posts as newer ones through scheduled tasks (Cron). This can be useful to refresh old content and keep the website updated. Old posts will be transformed into newer versions.
Number of Posts to Republish: This option allows you to specify the number of old posts that will be republished each time the scheduled task is activated. The default value is 10 posts, but you can adjust this value as desired.
Category for Posts to Republish: This option allows you to choose a category for the old posts that you want to republish. This helps you clearly define which specific posts will be modified when the scheduled task is executed.
Product Category for Republishing (For WooCommerce): If the website uses the WooCommerce plugin, you will have the option to choose a product category for republishing, similar to the option for republishing post categories.